Clean2Go Business Report


Clean2Go Business Report


Business Model Report 

Word Count: 3,000 words

Title Page including the title of the report; your business venture’s name; your name; student log-in; code and title of the module; name of module convenor and date of submission

Executive Summary – this should give a short review of the whole report  

Table of Contents

Introduction introducing the business idea and describing its key features

Literature Review – this should explore how the entrepreneurial theories and insights given in the lectures, and that you have found from your own reading, have informed the entrepreneurial process you have undergone.

Main Body this should cover all the sections of the Building Blocks of Enterprise business model canvas, i.e.

  1. Key resources and activities
  2. Networks
  3. Fit into the market
  4. Routes to market
  5. Customers
  6. Cost structure
  7. Revenue streams

Where appropriate, this section will include the research you have undertaken into your idea, and the evidence supporting any assumptions you have made – e.g. media articles supporting the view that there is a gap in the market; statistics justifying a perceived trend, and/or supplier/contacts/costs sourced.

Conclusion in this section, you should briefly assess the strengths and weaknesses of your business idea, and evaluate its likely success.

Recommendations – here you should note any further actions you would wish to take to increase the likelihood of your venture surviving and thriving, including whether you see possibilities to expand or diversify further.

References this should include all the references you have cited in the report itself using the correct Harvard Referencing format.

Appendices (numbered in the same order they are referred to in the text)this must include a Cost Summary covering what you see as the costs of getting your venture off the ground, and potential revenue streams. Appendices can also include evidence of suppliers you may have sourced via the Web; branding ideas, and the results of any surveys if undertaken.

Ensure in the report that you use a second order and, if necessary, third order system of numbering for sub-headings / sub-sub-headings or sub-sections that come under the main headings

Answer preview

Clean2Go is an application that will enable the people of South London book for cleaning services online using their mobile phones. The application will provide the users with a number of cleaning services from house cleaning to office and business premise cleaning. The app will utilize the latest technology to provide the user with a user-friendly interface that enables them to book for the appropriate cleaner effectively and with ease. South London, being a home to approximately 2.9 million people, the Clean2Go App is expected to serve this population in handling their cleaning needs in the most appropriate way possible. The App targets the working class who are busy to handle cleaning in their houses and offices, as well as teens and students who stay away from their parents and dislike cleaning.

Word count: 3797