Cleveland Co.- A Mismanagement Case Study Analysis


Cleveland Co.- A Mismanagement Case Study Analysis


You are required to carefully examine the narrative of your allocated case, and prepare a PowerPoint presentation that:

1. Identifies the key issue or problem evident in your case study – and provides a reasoned justification for this.
2. Identifies a range of sub-issues or problems – categorised into meaningful groupings – and explains why these issues are relevant and of concern.
3. Indicates between 8 and 12 relevant theories, and explains how these theories relate to the case, and why they are relevant.
4. Outlines 4 to 6 possible distinctive solutions or intervention strategies – and explains each one briefly (minimum of 4 possible solutions or intervention strategies, maximum of 6).
5. Presents a succinct and focused preferred solution and a more comprehensive implementation plan, along with a timeline – what needs to be achieved on day one, week one, over the first month, the first six months, the first year, for example.

Length: Your PowerPoint slideshow should consist of between 35 and 45 slides.

Answer preview

Cleveland Co. had been performing well; until the founder, Jack Jamieson quit, and a successor, the founder’s son, Paul Jamieson, took over. The new CEO mismanaged the firm Never consulted his managers nor employees Never had a clear strategic plan for the firm His authoritarian, disdainful leadership style failed to inspire people in the firm. Employees lost morale Fellow executive management members did not trust the CEO Wrong decisions an actions followed each other The firm collapsed, barely give years after Paul took over.

Slide count: 41