


There are three different papers that need to be amalgamated and made into an action research project

1)each paper has comments/corrections to be made below which needs to incorporate in the final paper

2. Required templates are attached like the quality of action research, its characteristics and literature review


3)example of a fellow students paper is also attached for reference, Harini ETL tool

4) the total number of pages should be a minimum of 40-45 with preface page and reference pages

Answer Preview

Having gained substantial knowledge from the class, I decided to conduct action research in order to utilize the knowledge of cloud computing to solve computing problems. Additionally, I had to identify the limitation of cloud computing technology and identify the best ways of applying the technology. I had to research how I would use the technology, for individual or organizational purposes, to store files and documents and to share applications. In this research, I shall focus on the limitations of cloud computing and its services to end-users as well as the possible remedy for the problem. I shall also focus on identifying applications or possible innovations that may utilize cloud computing technology for both individual and industrial purposes. The research shall constitute making inquiries and surveys about peoples’ experience and knowledge about cloud computing services.

Literature Review


The current researcher reviews relevant literature that presents current problems on cloud computing, the history of the emergence of the term cloud, the concept of cloud computing, and the current state of cloud computing. The document also focuses on the proposed different classifications of clouds, cloud computing, and cloud services; considered cloud computing operating principle; the problems of scalability, cloud computing, advantages and disadvantages of cloud services; the possibilities of data mining in the cloud; and designated one-base case model of service analytics services as a service (Zhang, Zhang, Chen, & Wu, 2010).

Word Count: 7000