



Your presentation should include these elements:

  • Use a SUSTAINABILITY FRAME OF REFERENCE with this assignment and the RULE of 3.
  • An introduction of what you will be discussing includes your name, name and type of company and brief background of company
  • Body of Presentation includes similar real world situations from your personal experiences, as applicable.

Remember to use the Rule of 3 … 3 theories and 3 examples per theory

In the Structural section … analyze using Mintzberg in relationship to HOW the company/organization will sustain a workforce which will assist it in meeting its goals.

In the Human Resources …. Use 3 theories and 3 examples of each theory to clarify the positive factors in sustaining workforce motivations.

For the Political section …  Use 3 theories and 3 examples of each theory to analyze What actions the company/organization uses i.e. will, political skill, internal and external coalitions, bases of power

In the Symbolic section …. Use 3 theories and 3 examples of each theory to focus on HOW company/organization create an ethical environment to grow its business and the types of theater/symbols it employs to extend its internal and/or external presence in its marketplace

  • A conclusion should include: your three (3) key findings, your opinion regarding success of company and/or
    recommendations for improvement.

Answer preview

The main leaders forming the strategic apex component at the company include the CEO, COO and various top leaders within the organizational structure. The aim of the people holding the top positions remains ensuring that the strategic plan for Coca Cola are enforced around the world.

The second critical element in the theory is the middle line managers. Within the company, the role of these individuals is one of ensuring the operations of the organization are undertaken in an effective manner. The regional operations leaders in the various regions in which the company operates fall within the middle line mangers. the support staff provide support to ensure the organization is able to meet the needs of the customers. In the marketing and distribution channels for coca cola, the company works closely with the distributors to ensure the products reach the desired target market.

Techno structure involves the technologies which the company applied in seeking to ensure that the employees have the right skills to perform the tasks which they have been assigned. Through training and development, the organization is able to meet the needs of the customers through equipping the employees with the necessary skills. The last element among the five critical components is the operating core. This is the basic element which governs how the organization governs the basic operations. The core operations for the company include procuring production inputs, transformation of the inputs to inputs and the distribution of the products.

Slide count: 9