Coffee Drinking in Relation to Mortality in Ten European Countries


Coffee Drinking in Relation to Mortality in Ten European Countries


Write an article review on the article Coffee Drinking in Relation to Mortality in Ten European Countries

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The power analysis which was done by the author was conclusive and the research was also top notch. A power analysis has been clearly used because of the minimum sample size is taken so as to see the outcome of the whole process. Samples taken by the author have been used to calculate the minimum effect size that is likely to occur. The author also used the power analysis for comparison between different statistics taken for example sensitivity analysis to assess the possible effect of unmeasured confounder on the observed relationship between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality. Another example is between the consumers of coffee and not- consumers of coffee. All of these are on the same hypothesis.

The sampling taken was adequate enough because of its numbers. A large sample was taken for various purposes such as diseases, liver function metabolic biomarkers and much more. There was also the sampling from different countries such as Denmark, France, Germany and much more show the number of the populace was very high for the specimens. The sampling also includes the consumers and not- consumers. This was sampling done on various groups which mean that the results that they got would be compared between the groups to see if there is a connection or there is no connection.

Word Count: 900