Collaborative Team Project Analysis


Collaborative Team Project Analysis


Write an essay paper on Collaborative Team Project Analysis

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One of my major skills that would facilitate teamwork during the execution of the project is strong my communication skills. I learnt about this skill by examining what I am good at and evaluating my strengths (Hooke, 2017). When in a group assignment or team projects, I find it easy to communicate clearly and express my intellectual and emotional controls (Lake, 2017). As an effective communicator, team members can find it easy to understand my ideas as they relate to the research topic. As I communicate my opinions or when responding to the viewpoint of others, the major focus will be on the lessons learned as opposed to who should handle the problems or concerns highlighted. Expression of ideas will adopt an open approach, but not in a threatening way. Effective communication requires active listening before listening.

I also exhibit the ability to create a healthy climate will help to create a sense of cohesion. I learnt about this ability from friends who often want my presence in their circles or when a task requires collaborative efforts (Hooke, 2017). My presence in a team creates a sense of openness, support, trust and self-disclosure. As a team member, when I am willing to maintain open communication with the rest of the members, a healthy environment will emerge allowing the team to complete the project as expected.

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