Comedy Movie Titled Love, Simon


Comedy Movie Titled Love, Simon


Set aside a minimum of 2 hours this week, see a funny movie (at the theatre, on TV, web or video) Write a short 3-5 paragraph summary and a 3-5 paragraph explanation of why comedy is a helpful stress coping mechanism using the resources in this week’s readings as well as your text.  Be sure to include cover and reference pages and make sure your assignment is in proper APA format.

Answer preview

This movie is one that is assuredly a rib cracker. The main theme of the movie is the coming out of a teenage boy who had to face his huge identity secret. In the beginning of the movie, the sixteen year old teenager clearly tells the audience that he is just like us only that he is keeping a huge secret. Simon is a typical neighborhood boy who lives with his parents in an Atlanta suburb. His mom is a therapist while his dad is a jovial guy’s guy. His dad is liberal, and at one point in the movie, he refers to another man as ‘fruity’ which makes Simon struggle to hold laughter.

Word count: 346