Commencing a traditional costumes rental business


Commencing a traditional costumes rental business


Each member in the group to write an essay of 1000 words elaborating and justifying their choice of research design (qualitative or quantitative) (Individual component task- weighting- 10% of research proposal )
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The adopted design for this research is qualitative. The qualitative design is interpretive in nature and requires thorough observation and explanation (Creswell, 1994). This design is based on the premise that it is impossible to define important or critical elements. The primary consideration in adopting this design is to determine the research approach that enhances the understanding of a phenomenon as opposed to building on existing hypotheses and theories. In support of this assertion, Creswell (1994) states that researchers interested in understanding the collective perception of the individual about a phenomenon should adopt the qualitative design. As such, understanding how best to commence conventional consume rental business requires a detailed understanding of individuals’ perceptions about the business in the society.
Word Count: 1100