Common Contracts and UCC Contract Law


Common Contracts and UCC Contract Law


Explain in detail one of the following four strategies of business: international, multi-domestic, global, or transnational. Select a specific company not highlighted in the chapters for this week in your text and answer the questions that are attached. 

  1. Give an overview of the company you chose and identify the strategy you selected.
  2. What does the strategy entail?
  3. What are the implications to configuring and coordinating value chains?
  4. What are the benefits of the strategy as it pertains to your company?
  5. What are the limitations of the strategy as it pertains to your company?

The essay should be at least 500 words. Be as specific as possible.  Be as specific as possible. Submit your answers in a doc or docx document. Follow full APA compliance guidelines. Use all resources provided this week to support your assignment completion.

Answer Preview

Common law contracts mainly put the following factors: price, quantity, time is taken for performance, the offer in terms of its identity, and nature under which the work is conducted. The UCC contracts mainly put into consideration the quantity factor since it deals with the sale of products. In case of a breach of contract, in matters regarding suing in common law, the time limit is between four to six years while in UCC, the standard period to conduct the suing process is four years (Ramesh, 2016). When it comes to common law contracts, a consideration which is the benefit that the party gets from engaging in the contract is essential for the contract to be termed valid while in UCC consideration which is the value or the benefits the parties will get is not essential to keep the contract valid.

Word Count: 600