Community charity event by the Australian Chinese Community Association in New South Wales targeting the elderly and vulnerable Chinese people
Select an event you have been to or are familiar with, identify 3 important stakeholder groups and discuss their needs in relation to the event. With reference to stakeholder theory, how have the legitimate needs and expectations of these entities been understood and met
by the event? Search out a minimum of 3 academic journal articles to support and extend your discussion of the relevant topic area.
What you discuss in your critical reflection paper will be specific to your chosen stakeholders and the event. Use your identified stakeholders and their needs as the foundation for your reflection.
Demonstrate your understanding of the theoretical concept by using the real-life illustration of your stakeholders and the needs they have. Is the real-life example different to/contradicting the academic theory? If so, how does this example extend our knowledge and thinking on the topic area? These are just some prompts for you to consider when thinking about your event, which
might help you to critically reflect on the theory. Your critical reflection aims to demonstrate to the reader that you understand a selected topic area (e.g. stakeholder theory) in both a theoretical sense, and also how this manifests in a practical sense.
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An important step in stakeholder management is the identification of stakeholders and their needs or interests (Van Niekerk & Getz, 2019). In the community event, stakeholders included all the groups with vested interests in the event; these are groups affected by the event in one way or another, including event organizers, donors, volunteers and beneficiaries of the charity event. The stakeholder theory provides a basis for understanding how to identify and classify stakeholders, identify their stake (interest), opportunities and challenges, and how to engage them. The first step, thus, is to classify stakeholders. In the attended event, stakeholders fall under the categories of primary or secondary (Saito & Ruhanen, 2017).
Word count: 1164