Community Health Nursing


Community Health Nursing


The Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act is a controversial topic, and they’re probably are many different viewpoints represented in our class. For this discussion, let’s start by a focus on understanding the basics of the Healthcare Marketplace so that we can provide accurate information to our patients and communities. Please explore the healthcare marketplace website at Choose the Get Answers tab toward the top of the page.
1-Review several of the topics in this tab and share two things that you learned about how the marketplace works.
2-How does this information apply to those in your community?
3-As a healthcare provider, has this raised any ethical questions or concerns for you?
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The information is quite useful-especially the Medicaid program, as it would help my community that is mainly composed of low-income earners. Moreover, a great number of youngsters exist that would benefit from the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Consequently, I would share the good news to the community to ensure that the people live longer and healthier lives (“ACA and Your Community”, 2016). Expectedly, thousands of members of the community would register in the marketplace after receiving an education concerning the health care laws. The religious and community leaders may use the information provided in the 2017 Health Care Law Toolkit to create awareness about the health rules and regulations in the community.

Word Count: 450