Community Roles


Community Roles


Write a critical summary paper on Community Roles

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Understanding community roles in Aboriginal people is the starting point to formulating policies and practices that would create a sense of inclusion in mainstream Australian society. As with other communities, Aboriginal people may share commonalities or differences in various aspects of life. Community Shares framework shows that different members of Aboriginal communities have different exposures and understanding of their history, traditions, and rules, political connections, culture, personal relationships, common interests, and social-economic conditions. For example, elders are more likely to understand and identify with traditions and rules than the younger generations because of their different levels of exposures (Edelman, 2009). Like with any other community, common interests culture and personal relationships are important. Working in such communities requires an understanding that differences in these dimensions are likely to manifest differently from individuals to individuals, or families to families. However, culture, history, and social and economic conditions may appear as the most commonly shared aspects of life (NSW Department of Community Services, 2009).

Word Count: 800