Company Analysis (Atlantic Power Corporation)


Company Analysis (Atlantic Power Corporation)


Choose one annual report of a major corporation that is traded on a national stock exchange (NYSE, NASDAQ). Summarize the results of the report in your paper. Items to discuss can include the financial state of the company, new prod­uct lines, major issues dealt with at the annual meetings of shareholders and directors, future prospects, and if the company is meeting its stated objectives. Additionally, find two additional resources or articles about that company or industry and comment on them as well.

There are several ways you can find a company’s annual report in addition to doing a search through the school online library.

You can google the company. Type “NAME OF COMPANY” Annual Report (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and you will see as the top result the link to their most recent annual report

Your paper should be based on reviewing the attached article and your reading in this course in particular this sessions reading. When writing your paper use the following guidelines:

The body of your paper should be 750-1,000 words in length (not including front matter or end matter like the cover page, abstract, bibliography); in 12 point font, and single or double spaced.

At least 2 external, quality research sources must also be consulted, and referenced in the text and cited in the bibliography.

Your paper will be evaluated with attention to the following elements

  • Meets word count requirement; (750-1,000 words in the body + a Cover and References page)
  • Mechanics, Usage, and Grammar
  • Original content and thought
  • Includes thoughtful analysis and commentary on the provided article plus the outside source you find to answer the proposed question(s).
  • Document design and layout
  • Follows APA format for in-text citations and bibliography.

Answer preview

Atlantic Power Corp, an energy company in the United States stands at a strong financial position, according to the 2016 annual financial report. However, the gross profit margins for the year reduced from 22.32% in 2015 to 21.14% in 2016. Operating margins also reduced to 41.35% from 43.91% compared to last year financial position. Besides, year-on-year shifts in operation cash flow remained the same at 27.92 in terms of change in earnings. This is attributed to the insignificant changes in reserves or accrual. Moreover, the one-time items reduced the strength of company’s operating performance. Factors contributing to the weakened financial position of the company include the extensive planned outage in areas such as Morris.

Word count: 977