Company Analysis: Coca-Cola


Company Analysis: Coca-Cola


Use a SUSTAINABILITY FRAME OF REFERENCE with this assignment and the RULE of 3

In the Structural section … analyze using Mintzberg in relationship to HOW the company/organization will sustain a workforce which will assist it in meeting its goals.

In the Human Resources …. Use 3 theories and 3 examples of each theory to clarify the positive factors in sustaining workforce motivations.

For the Political section …  Use 3 theories and 3 examples of each theory to analyze What actions the company/organization uses i.e. will, political skill, internal and external coalitions, bases of power

In the Symbolic section …. Use 3 theories and 3 examples of each theory to focus on HOW company/organization create an ethical environment to grow its business and the types of theater/symbols it employs to extend its internal and/or external presence in its marketplace

Answer preview

The changing business environment around the world has necessitated the need for many organizations to remain focused on ensuring the sustainability of the operations which they undertake. The company was founded in 1886 and has been operational and a dominant market force in the soft drinks industry throughout the 20th century (The Coca Cola Company, 2017). In seeking to examine how organizations are able to create sustainable businesses around the world, it is essential to assess coca cola’s structure, human resource, political environment and culture.

In the examination of the structure, Henry Mintzberg the Five Basic Parts of the Organization has been applied in the context of this report. Abraham Maslow’s A Theory of Human Motivation, Mary Parker Follett’s The Giving of Orders along with Douglas McGregor’s The Human Side of Enterprise have been applied in assessing the human resources within the company. Two more theories have been further applied to explain the political frame of the company; are The Bases of Social Power by French and Raven, and The Power Game and the Players by Henry Mintzberg.

Word count: 3155