Comparing and Contrasting Stress Theories


Comparing and Contrasting Stress Theories


Compare and contrast the theories of Freud, Jung, Kubler-Ross, Frankl, Dyer, Buscaglia, and Seligman on ways to cope with and resolve stress. Which theorist(s) do you think has the best methods for coping? Why?

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Jung’s theory looked at areas of the mind that made up the psyche and he studied the way that these areas influenced one another. He came up with distinctions between the way people presented themselves to the world and he called it persona and the hidden anxieties and repressed thoughts he called the shadow. He said that the relationship between the personal unconscious and collective unconscious created some kind of disunity creating internal conflicts. This was what he thought caused the stress that manifested itself as anxieties and personality traits. His method of coping suggested that if an individual allowed the repressed ideas to come to the conscious and accommodate rather than destroy them, they can create an inner state of harmony through the process called individuation (Seaward, 2018).

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