Comparison and Contrast of Expectancy and Social Learning Theories


Comparison and Contrast of Expectancy and Social Learning Theories


Write a discussion paper offering a comparison and contrast between expectancy and social learning theories.

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The expectancy theory highlights that the human behavior depends on a motivating outcome. According to the theory, people are likely to act in a specific way if they believe that their actions will likely lead to some beneficial results. Employees, for example, are likely to attend training if the contents provide a platform for promotion, improved knowledge or skill acquisition (Barakat & Faten Moussa 5). The outcome links the expectancy theory to three factors of valence, expectancy and instrumentality. Expectancy refers to the connection of belief in one’s action and the actual action, while valence refers to how highly people link outcomes to actions. Instrumentality, on the other hand, refers to how performance is based on an expected result.

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