Comparison of Cultural Values and Dimensions in Regards to Brazilian, American and Malaysian Contexts


Comparison of Cultural Values and Dimensions in Regards to Brazilian, American and Malaysian Contexts


Case overview: The chosen case describes the cultural differences in terms of what generates sales in the
digital environment among Alizee consumers from USA, Brazil and Malaysia. The topics relevant to this case include cross-cultural values and dimensions and their practical implications for cross-cultural management.

Objectives: The purpose of this assignment is to assess students’ ability to identify the cultural values of
different cultures and their impact on international business performance. The students should apply this
knowledge from the perspective of a consultant, advising the Alizee airlines company how they could mitigate some of the cross-cultural problems and enhance business performance.

Specific Tasks: Using GLOBE Study’s cultural dimensions as a point of reference, identify and discuss the
cultural similarities and differences between Brazil, Malaysia and USA illustrated in the case. Using GLOBE
Study’s cultural dimensions as a point of reference, critically analyse how cultural similarities and differences could affect combined results for consumers and non-consumers in each of these three countries so that Alizee can optimise online marketing activities which are specific to each. Please give examples to support your analysis.

As consultants, your analysis should both explain the major similarities, differences and provide insights
into what could have been done to enhance online behaviours of consumers and non-consumers of the Alizee airlines company from Brazil, Malaysia and USA in the cultural perspective.

Report Format

1. Executive summary
2. Table of content (with page number)
3. Introduction:
-Background and the issues of the case study
– Short overview of GLOBE Study of cultural values for Brazil, Malaysia and USA enhancing online behaviours of consumers and non-consumers of the Alizee airlines
-Purpose and outline of report

4. GLOBE Study’s cultural dimensions analysis
-What is GLOBE Study’s cultural dimensions analysis?
-The significance of GLOBE Study’s cultural dimensions for studying the three chosen cultures enhancing online behaviours of consumers and non-consumers of the Alizee airlines
-Comparison tables for the GLOBE Study’s culture data for Brazil, Malaysia and USA (compulsory) (similarities and differences discussion with examples)
4.1 Power Distance
4.2 Uncertainty Avoidance
4.3 Humane Orientation
4.4 Collectivism I: (Institutional)
4.5 Collectivism II: (In-Group)
4.6 Assertiveness
4.7 Gender Egalitarianism
4.8 Future Orientation
4.9 Performance Orientation

5. Recommendation
(Reminder: As consultants, your analysis should both explain the major differences and provide insights into what could have been done to enhance online behaviours of consumers and non-consumers of the Alizee airlines)

6. Conclusion
7. Reference list
8. Appendices (optional)

Answer preview

Understanding cultural dimensions of a country is crucially important in any organization that wants to improve on its international performance. Therefore, the aim of this report seeks to align GLOBE Study’s cultural dimensions to Alizee airline in its bid to improve on its online communication. Therefore, the report will dwell on cross-cultural issues in three countries namely Brazil, Malaysia and USA. In that regard, the report will crucially address all the dimensional issues with given variables to give a deeper understanding of the concept. There exist cultural differences and similarities among the three countries which the report will fully explore. Additionally, recommendations will be suggested to enable Alizee to fully make use of GLOBE Study.

Word count: 2627