Compensation and Benefits Strategy: Strategy Essay


Compensation and Benefits Strategy: Strategy Essay


Purpose of Assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is to give learners the experience of developing a total rewards program. Please refer to the resources below to assist with the assignment. 

Assignment Steps 

ResourcesHuman Resource Management: Ch. 11; HR-Survey; human resources department for the organization you chose; Supplemental Resources. 

Choose your organization or one you know well to use for this assignment.  You may use the same organization you used in Week 1.

Develop 1,225-word compensation and benefits strategy for the organization.

  • Discuss current trends shaping total rewards for employees in a business industry synonymous with your organization.
  • Evaluate current compensation plans for that industry.
  • Summarize your data in narrative and table format showing diverse levels of responsibility and compensation.
  • Evaluate the market data, job data, and organizational data.
  • Devise a total rewards strategy with recommendations for your organization.
  • Include in table format a list of the compensation components for your plan.
  • Develop a one-page survey you would use as a resource to collect information from employees about the rewards they desire in a reward package for employees. On your survey, include questions about financial rewards and non-financial rewards. Attach the survey as an Appendix. Do not administer the survey.
  • Include an analysis of legislation that may impact decisions made about compensation and benefits.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. 

Answer Preview 

In the software industry, compensation and responsibility are integrated largely based on technicality and required commitment across job ranks. Software companies have jobs with various characteristics, with some having highly technical and time-consuming demands while others is actually very simple. However, based on the nature of services required in the development and management of client’s software as well as conducting substantial analytics, the complexity of jobs in the software companies is higher than simple.

Word Count: 1700