Computer Software


Essay Questions: Computer Software


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Data accessibility can be randomly accessed irrespective of the storage points (Parsons, 2014). Compared to magnetic storage devices,  data in optical devices is stored as microscopic dark and light spots and not vulnerable to magnets, dust , humidity and scratches.  However, Optical devices lack adequate for longevity tests, requires distinctive devices to read and used in the formats of DVD-R, CD-R and DB-R only. Solids-State Storage devices uses flash memory and are compatible with SAS and SATA (Hilbert & Lopez, 2011). These devices are durable, have a faster transfer rate as they lack spin-up. The launch times are much faster than magnetic storage devices. However, they are vulnerable data loss as a result of magnetic fields, power loss and static charges. In addition, the large erase blocks slow down the write speed. Lastly, the solid state storage devices are more expensive compared  to Optical and Magnetic storage devices (Parsons, 2014).

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