Concepts of the Business Context in Europe


Concepts of the Business Context in Europe



  1. Discuss why there are significant differences between the models of capitalism between the UK, France, and Germany. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses that each of these models has
    • Key Lecture: “01_Lec.pptx”
    • 600 Words
    • 5 References


  1. Discuss implications of Brexit for businesses in Europe from the following perspectives: a) FDI, opportunities to export to the Single Market; b) tariffs, non-tariff barriers; c) regulation; d) immigration, access to skills.
    • Key Lecture: “02_Lec.pptx”
    • 600 Words
    • 5 References


  1. In what ways can be part of a Single European Market benefit as well as hinder a company. Discuss with relevant examples.
    • Key Lecture: “03_Lec.pptx”
    • 600 Words
    • 5 References


  1. To what extent has the European Monetary Union been successful since its inception?
    • Key Lecture: “04_Lec.pptx”
    • 600 Words
    • 5 References


  1. Discuss how the European Union utilizes Multilateral, bilateral, and unilateral trade agreements and the extent to which these have been a success. Discuss with relevant examples.
    • Key Lecture: “05_Lec.pptx”
    • 600 Words
    • 5 References

Answer Preview 

The market capitalism that best serves the UK has strengths which include; it can easily advance dependence transition from one industry to another seamlessly due to the fact that industries develop at almost an equivalent level. Secondly, the model fosters open direct foreign investment by reducing barriers to external trade. Lastly, due to the diversification of industry focus, the model has little chance of an unemployment situation. However, the system has weaknesses too, for instance, it promotes wide wage dispersion which evidently increases the gap between the poor and the rich (Morgan and Whitley, 2012). Furthermore, it encourages uneven economic prosperity of regions because of the frequent transitions from one industry to another.

Word Count: 3600