Consideration for buying a video system and monitor


Consideration for buying a video system and monitor


If you just received a $500 bonus and decided to buy a new video system for your computer, what would you select? Go to the local computer store or to websites such as and pick out the best combination of monitor and video card that you can buy with your bonus. Now imagine that you also received a $200 birthday gift and have decided to purchase an even better graphics card and monitor. Which ones will you select now that you have $700 to spend?

In this exercise, you will complete “Lab Exercise 23.06: Testing Your LAN Connections” on pages 468-473 of your lab manual. You will need to know how to launch a “Command Prompt” window.

  • Type your answers in an MS Word document.

Complete “Lab Project 15.2” on page 473 of your course textbook. In addition to the lab project, address the following:

  • Include a brief summary of the four 802.11 wireless standards.
  • Next, compare two standards, 802.11g and 802.11n.
  • Your presentation should be a minimum of six slides.
  • Your first slide should be a title slide.
  • Your last slide should be a reference slide.
  • Be sure to cite and reference your sources in APA format.

Answer preview

My first consideration for buying a video system and monitor will be the size of the screen and the ability of the video card. I should get the best offer for the best monitor and video card that will cost me $500 utmost.  The bigger the screen, the better, it should accommodate high resolutions and have a fancy look.

For the video Card, I want a video card that is compatible with my processor. My choice is EVGA GeForce GTX 1060 GAMING that costs $239.99. It has free Exclusive Precision XOC to Overclock 1060 GPU. This software will allow me to fine tune your NVIDIA graphics card, maximizing cooling and performance.

Word count: 577