Construction Defects


Construction Defects


Write a 4-page research summary paper using APA style.

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There are possibilities that construction defects results from deficiencies on how the designing, building, operation and maintenance is done. With some defects result in damages that can be easily identified such as water pipe bursts, there are other defects that time to appear such as slow shifting foundation from soil movement. Such deficiencies can cause the structure to fail to perform in a manner the owner expects.  Construction defect claims covers on the contractor’s responsibility and normal variance (Davenport, & Durham, 2013). Generally, deficiencies are difficult to determine with the appearance of deficiency pointing out to the probable reasons for failure. The other major concern the contractor have is where the construction is done.  Most contractors working on local projects are likely to be aware of the laws and requirements that deal with construction defects in a locality.

Word count: 1152