Consumer Behaviour


Consumer Behaviour


  • To what extent does social class determine consumer behaviour? Discuss with examples. (600 Words)
  • Consider objects that you possess and how you have projected extra meanings onto those objects. (600 Words)
  • A student who constantly feels like they are underperforming in exams, who carries a strong sense of personal failure to study as hard as they should and retains a strong sense of internalized pressure may be regarded as a person with a strong super-ego. Discuss this with relevant theories of the id, ego, super-ego and ego-ideal. (600 Words)
  • ‘It is erroneous to presume that there is such a thing as consumer demand that can be accessed via objective marketing research’. Discuss this statement with reference to Adorno & Horkheimer’s dialectical approach. (600 Words)
  • Compare the clothes and toys that are made available for boys and girls and consider what ideas and norms of gender roles are encoded in these consumer objects. (600 Words)
  • Should we, as members of a university be concerned if the internet has a tendency to negate the content of a message in its emphasize of the circulation of affect? What issues of concern may arise as a consequence? (600 Words)

Total words: 3600

Answer preview

The influence of “social” on consumer behaviour can be explained from theoretical perspective of reference group. In theory, reference group refers to the imaginary or actual individual or groups believed to hold significant influence or relevance to the assessment and desires of an individual. As such, social class is understood as the consumers’ position in the society, and is dependent on factors such as income, occupation and education (Williams, 2002). Although income is one of the main influencers, the position individuals hold in the society also determines their buying habits and consumption pattern.  Social class is understood as an external influencer to consumer behaviour because it is not based on knowledge or feeling towards purchasing of a particular brand or product (Shavitt, Jiang and Cho, 2016).

Word count: 4252