Consumer market segments (Antipodes Water targeting The Philippines)


Consumer market segments (Antipodes Water targeting The Philippines)


You are required to profile the planned market segmentation using the categories below:


Geographic feature,climate, metro size ,population density, urban/rural areas

(1. why antipodes water choose Philippines  2. what area of Philippines? why ?)

-demographic category

Age, gender, ethnicity, income, education, occupation, household type, family size, family life cycle, religion, social class

  • age,income,family size)for example antipodes water target group is the people between 25 and 40,the target market is middle and high-end income groups. Since antipode water has a family outfit, it can be described in terms of family size.

-psychological category

Personality attributes, lifestyles, interests, and opinions, activities (lifestyles, activities)It is recommended to write in conjunction with local lifestyles. For example, locals prefer outdoor sports and therefore need more drinking water. For example, local water pollution is serious, so it is possible to promote natural ANTIPODES WATER


-behavioral category

Time/occasions,benefit expectation,usage rate , readiness to buy, brand loyalty,price sensitivity, volume usage

Answer Preview

Antipodes Water target consumers of aged 3 years and above, as they all need to quench thirst. Also Antipodes Water appeals to all ages because of the quality and hygiene benefits it provides. The target will be both men and women as they represent equal needs for clean water. The target class includes the middle and upper class as they represent the category with the ability to buy Antipodes water repeatedly. Other non-carbonated and carbonated drinks are also sold in shops, but sparkling quality Antipodes Water differentiates the consumers as the middle and upper class may be interested in quality than quantity.  Therefore, the probability of Antipodes Water attracting middle and upper class consumers is higher than that of lower class. Working and non-working individuals are the target consumers, including students and individuals working in institutions, offices, restaurants and hotels.

Word Count: 1100