Contribution of Wooden Pallets for the Logistics industry under Economic, Technical and Ecological considerations


Contribution of Wooden Pallets for the Logistics industry under Economic, Technical and Ecological considerations


Discuss the Contribution of Wooden Pallets for the Logistics industry under Economic, Technical and Ecological considerations.

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Every company strives to adopt a packaging structure that fully addresses transportation costs as well as enhances supply chain efficiency; hence companies have embraced the use of wooden pallets because of their the minimal cost consideration in the product life cycle (AI Pallets, 2016). Wood is the most used type of pallet; thus, it is considered one of the most popular; for instance, in 2016, 849 million wood pallets were used in the US compared to 320 million plastic pallets which comprised of 75% of the total pallets produced (Packaging News 2019). These pallets are deemed strong, durable and well-suited for bulky materials thus most companies prefer them in comparison to plastic and aluminum.

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