Control and Problem-Solving


Control and Problem-Solving


Write a report on Control and Problem Solving.

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Feed-forward control, also known as preventive control, is done predominantly at input level in production. The concept of the feed-forward control involves foreseeing of potential problems to engage on preventive measures to hinder them from occurring. For a feed-forward control to function, a disturbance that is significantly affecting the measured variable should be identifiable and measurable. An example of feed-forward control is an organization attempting an improvement of employees’ likelihood of performing within the given standards through identification of necessary job skills as well as using tests, among other screening devices, in hiring people capable of meeting the skills. Concurrent controls are involved in monitoring ongoing employee activity towards ensuring consistency with standardized quality. The control is useful for identification of problems upon their development, and taking immediate counteractions before attainment of the final results.

Word count: 476