Core Values of Social Work


Core Values of Social Work


Write a 4-page essay in APA format.

Your task is to determine if and how the values with which you were raised and learned match those of the profession. First, choose two of the six NASW social work values shared in class (also refer to NASW website). In a brief essay, discuss your understanding and application of the values to your everyday decision-making, as well as your eventual work as a social worker (or other profession). Your paper should address the following:

What is your understanding of the two values you chose? How would you define these values in your own words?

How do the two social work values you chose reflect your upbringing/how you were raised? Do they conflict with your upbringing and/or they in agreement with your upbringing?

Discuss how your values are applied in every day life now what you are an adult. If there has been any shift in your values since childhood, include that here.

How might the answers to questions 2 and 3 impact your eventual work in the social work profession (or another profession)? In other words, if your own values and the social work values “match”, how might that influence your work? If your own values and social work values conflict, how might that effect your work?

The assignment will:

  • be double-spaced, typed using Times New Roman 12 point font
  • be between 4 pages in length.
  • include at least 3 scholarly references, utilizing APA style. (The textbook may not count as one.)
  • include a title page and a reference page in proper APA style (these do NOT count toward the page length requirement)
  • follow all other APA formatting guidelines

Answer preview

The primary objective of social work is to enhance people’s well-being through helping them to meet basic human needs. This is particularly on the basis of needs and empowerment of the vulnerable, oppressed and those living in poverty. Historic definition of social work is that the profession is focused on individuals’ well-being in a social context as well as societal. The important aspect of social work is the focus on the environmental forces that create and contribute to problems for the living as well as addressing the problems (Akhtar, 2012). Social work job requires that social justice and social change courses are championed on behalf of the clients. The term ‘client’ is used in this aspect to refer to individuals, families, groups, organizations and communication. The job of social work demand sensitivity to cultural and ethnical diversity, dedicated effort to end forms of social justice such as oppression, discrimination and poverty.

Word count: 1222