Corporate Governance Practices


Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on The Financial Performance of Financial Institutions in Kenya.


Write a 4-page research proposal on the Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on the Financial Performance of Financial Institutions in Kenya.

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This study investigates the impacts of corporate governance on financial performance of Kenyan financial institutions.  Corporate governance is an important subject in organizational performance as it ensures transparency, credibility and accountability. Importantly, governance contributes to the development and sustainability of information disclosure channels that drive positive corporate performance (Barako, Hancock, & Izan, 2006). Corporate governance will be examined in terms of board structure, board size and management duality, and how they influence the performance of financial institutions in Kenya. FI’s performance will be examined based on profitability. A descriptive approach will be used to examine companies listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Self-administered questionnaires will be disseminated to staff members of the selected firms. Secondary data will be obtained from annual accounts of the firms for the period 2013-2016. Inferential, descriptive and linear regression methods will be used to analyze the data.

Word count: 1919