Corporate Philanthropy

Corporate Philanthropy


  1. What are the function and the contemporary landscape of corporate philanthropy?
  2. Whether corporate philanthropy should be espoused by a greater number of corporations?
  3. What is Corporate Philanthropy (C.P)?

The different forms of C.P & Examples of current corporate philanthropic practices- organizations/foundations/partnerships, etc


  1. Review the various scholarly debates surrounding the effectiveness of corporate philanthropy initiatives:

(THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES) Why is it needed? Its importance/Why is it part of the organizational landscape? Is it achievable? Why?Challenges & Tensions…


  1. Conclude the essay with your own remarks on the effectiveness of corporate philanthropy- does it work? Make a difference?


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Organizations use corporate philanthropy as part of CSR that entails the aspect of building the ‘generosity of spirit’, a process that involves the utilization of philanthropic initiatives as a general market development strategy. Although most of the corporate practices conducted by for-profit business organizations are majorly correlative to the interest of raising or acquiring some form of financial returns, corporate philanthropy is not predominantly intended for absolute monetary return.


Word Count: 1890

Writing Format: Havard