CostCo Wholesale


Company analysis: CostCo Wholesale


One (1) page, typed, double-spaced DRAFT of Integrative Case Analysis.

  • Identify the organization (manufacturing, service, government, import/export, etc)
  • Draw structural framework (organizational chart)
  • Identify human relations theory, political and cultural frame works.
  • Explain your role in the organization, if any.

The final integrative case analysis should be typed, double-spaced, use MLA format, and a minimum of fifteen (15) pages and maximum of twenty (20) pages.

The First page should be an Executive Summary which outlines the observations of the organization. The following sections should address these topics (use the rule of 3 theories for each concept):

Mintzberg Five Basic Parts of the Organization
Type of Organization – vertical, horizontal, etc.
Organizational Chart

Interpersonal Dynamics
Group Dynamics

Power, Conflict, & Coalition
The Manager as Politician
Organizations a Political Arenas and Political Agents
“Coalition building, internal and external influences”


Organizational Culture and Symbols
“the way we do things around here”

The last page should summarize the organization case analysis identifying three (3) key concepts, your opinion regarding success of company and/or recommendations for improvement

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Answer preview

Costco is the largest warehouse operator in the world at present. The multinational corporation, which has more than 415 retail outlets in more than nine countries, was first launched in 1982 by Jeffrey Brotman and James Sinegal (Costco Wholesale Corporation, 2012a). Costco has since enjoyed national as well as international success due to its offering of private level and branded products at low prices across a multiplicity of markets. According to Costco Operation Strategy (2017), Costco’s primary customers are small business entrepreneurs who seek a wide range of goods such as household accessories. At Costco, such entrepreneurs can access a wide selection of private-label products across an extensive range of categories at affordable prices. Costco is popular with such entrepreneurs because they are able to save capital by making large procurements at cost effective prices.

Costco has also become an international success because its leaders have used corporate policy to realize consistent growth by capitalizing on low market volatility to make long-term investing in Costco stock a profitable venture.

Word count: 4397