Counseling and Codes of Ethics


Counseling and Codes of Ethics

Assignment Description:

This assignment consists of 2 parts.

Part 1: Professional Code of Ethics (due Week 6)

  • Identify your chosen profession (psychologist, educator, counselor, police or probation officer, etc.).
  • Go online to search for and find the ethical standards for your chosen profession.  Explore the many resources found at the site.
  • Write a 2-page essay that does the following:
    • Explain why you chose the specific profession.
    • Why it is important for professionals in the field you have chosen to be familiar with and understand the field’s code of ethics?

Answer Preview 

Counseling is generally referred to as giving advice to someone in need of advice on what to do, it is also called talking therapy as it entails a person talking about their feelings and problems in an environment that is comfortable to them and that is why it was mostly considered as choosing a profession was concerned. Counseling also involves listening to someone and trying to understand the situation and challenges they are facing. In counseling, one is bound by rules and regulations known as codes of ethics, which govern counselors and dictate how they should conduct their work.

Word Count: 600