


You are required to select one of the Point/Counterpoint debates. You are required to investigate the topic under debate and use relevant theory and concepts relating to the topic, and academic evidence to establish a position (either point or counterpoint) on the topic.

  • The specific position that you take must be argued using academic literature and research. You should refer to these sources using the TSBE (Management) adopted referencing style (Harvard system).

Answer Preview 

The most obvious reason why it is erroneous to claim that ‘everyone wants power’ has to do with the fact that many individuals in the world feel like they are victims of forces that are beyond their control both within and outside their families. This is something that causes such people to voluntarily put their destiny in the hands of others (Sorensen, 2006). There are also many individuals who feel uncomfortable about the prospect of exercising any kind of power on their own. Such people adopt such attitudes because they are socialized to believe that power is something that belongs to others. For instance, in many developing nations in Asia, women are socialized to be passive, nurturing, and retiring. They are expected to dedicate their lives to the service of their menfolk (Sorensen, 2006).

Word Count: 1700