Country Analysis on Human Rights


Country Analysis on Human Rights


The setting of the module is the Human Rights Committees’ monitoring work for the implementation of the two main human rights covenants (CCPR and CESCR) and the reporting procedures that is the basis for this work. To be able to choose what state to base your analysis on go to the home pages of the two conventions and research (read the material) the reports handed in by states, the Lists of Issues (LOI, LOIPR) and the concluding observations to be able to select a state to focus on.

Answer Preview 

Mauritius is a state party to the United Nations, and has ratified the two main human rights covenants, namely the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) and the Center for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR). Based on the United Nations Human Rights Committees’ monitoring work on the country’s implementation of the two said human rights covenants, there are several violations, which the Human Rights Committees raised concerns about. The committees provided a list of issues to the state. After the state replied to the issues, the Human Rights Committees made concluding observations and recommendations. To this end, the following rights are selected for analysis in this paper; discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons, gender equality, the right to voluntary termination of pregnancy, the fight against terrorism and human rights, pretrial detention, extrajudicial acts by the security forces, juvenile justice and conditions in prisons. The rights are chosen for discussion because they part of the fundamental rights, and underscore critical issues related to violation of the human rights. Each of the eight elements represent a violation, which despite being addressed by the Human Rights Committees has yet to be fulfilled satisfactorily. This discussion therefore highlights the violations of the human rights, and relates them to the relevant legal, political and philosophical perspectives relevant to understanding the problem.

Word Count: 3500