Creating a Mechanism for Fostering the Positive Impact of Emigrants in Their Homeland


Creating a Mechanism for Fostering the Positive Impact of Emigrants in Their Homeland


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The existing literature is rich with regard to the general idea of migrant diaspora communities and how they connect with their countries of origin. The literature is however scanty when it comes to specific work about the Lebanese diaspora communities. Nonetheless, there are some relevant studies and academic work, which are reviewed in this section of the paper. To start with, the resettlement from Lebanon by the locals begun in the 1860s and proceeded into the late 1920s (Karpat & Humphrey, 2000). It developed again in the mid-1970s amid the beginning of the Lebanese war which proceeded for quite a while. a portion of the displaced people have come back to Lebanon, others that stayed in the host nations in Latin America, the USA, Europe

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