Creative Industries


Creative Industries


Part 1: Mid-term 30%

Part-way through the module in week 8 you are required to complete a short piece of coursework. You are required to respond to the following three questions, each of which is limited to 500-word answers (1500 total)

  1. Identify three different definitions of the creative or cultural industries, these should be referenced. Discuss the relative merits of these different definitions and which you feel is most appropriate to adopt and why?
  2. Identify and discuss shared characteristics of the different sub-sectors of the creative industries
  3. Select one of the 13 sub-sectors of the creative industries (ideally this is the same sector that your eventual client works within); discuss what you understand to be the marketing environment and issues for that sub-sector?

Answer Preview 

  1. Identify and discuss shared characteristics of the different sub-sectors of the creative industries

In the initial definition of creative industries by the United Kingdom’s Department for Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) in the late 1990s, sub-sectors of the industries were grouped based on involved activities (Scottish Government, 2009). However, the need for the UK government to develop policies to not only govern the creative industries as a whole but also for specific sub-sector following the need to incorporate greater awareness regarding the differences between the sub-sectors led to the development of the model segments of four groups. The four groups included creative original producers, creative service providers, creative experience providers, and creative content producers. Some of the identified sub-sectors for creative original producers included a group of artisans, designer-makers, and craft workers; for creative content, producers included TV, publishing, games and music, and fashion; and creative experience providers, including dance, theatre, and dance. The creative content producers were representative of the intellectual property of film while the creative experience providers were based on an idea that the experience attained from the sub-sectors is consumed in place and time of performance.

Word Count: 1600