Crime Prevention Programs


Crime Prevention Programs


The program (about murder) evaluations MUST target the offenders and stop the crimes for your assigned crime in paper 1. The program should have a name or be a clear program. It must be evaluated in a peer-reviewed journal article or government website (do not use just…that information is dated). You will have at least 3 program evaluations in this paper. These evaluations will be based
in the U.S. (or in some cases Canada) and be completed between the year 2000-now.

Answer preview

Murder is a crime that is prevalent in the United States and the impact of this crime on the families or victims is significant. The Uniform Crime Report provides an insight on the crimes that happen each year, and it is evident that murder and non negligent manslaughter rate is low than any other crime. The decline in this form of crime can be attributed to the several programs and initiatives created by the government to help in the eradication of murder as a violent crime. In a state such as Michigan, it is clear that the state based on the reports by the Uniform Crime Report has experienced some low murder rates, meaning that even the community is working towards the reduction of violent crimes in the society.

Word count: 1632