Crimes against the Homeless Individuals in the United States of America


Crimes against the Homeless Individuals in the United States of America


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Out of these violent crimes, there were 291 deaths attributed to the violent attacks on the homeless people.  These data show that about 27% of the people who are subjected to bias-motivated violent crimes by housed individuals lose their lives in the hands of the perpetrators (NCH, 2010). Once again, this is a major proportion, which further underscores the plight of the homeless people.

The NCH further reports that for the 11 years under review, young men and teenage boys were the main offenders perpetrating the crimes against the homeless people. For example, according to the NCH data, 98% of the perpetrators of the violent crimes against homeless people are men (NCH, 2010). This means that men and boys are significantly more likely to commit violent attacks on the homeless than their female counterparts. This is an alarming trends, which may be a useful point of information for policy makers developing policies to protect the homeless. Another notable piece of data is that 80% of the violent crimes committed against the homeless individuals were perpetrated by people aged below 30 years (NCH, 2010). This age bracket represents young and energetic people. These statistics appear to show that older people are less likely to attack the homeless people.  As Figure 3 below shows, there is a significantly lower proportion of older people perpetrating the bias-motivated hate crimes.

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