Critic of Articles that focus on Febrile Illness with Skin Alterations


A critic of Articles that focus on Febrile Illness with Skin Alterations


Write a critic of Articles that focus on Febrile Illness with Skin Alterations

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The author further notes that, due to a weakened immune system, pediatric patients who contract measles are more likely to develop encephalitis, hepatitis, thrombocytopenia, and nervous system complications like Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) and neuritis. Overall, this article is straightforward in its provision of the causes, symptoms, and treatment of measles in human beings. Moreover, it is not clear which age group the author is interested in focusing on, as he begins by elaborating on the effects of measles among children, but later goes on to cover the characteristics of the disease in pregnant women.

Word Count: 1100