Critical Appraisal for Groupon Online Marketplace Services by Groupon Inc


Critical Appraisal for Groupon Online Marketplace Services by Groupon Inc


Assessment name: Innovation Case Study
Description: You are required to write a real-world critical appraisal of an innovation undertaken by one of the industry or government organizations of your choice. In this assignment, you need to critically evaluate different dimensions and features of the innovation and provide creative recommendations for the further improvement of the innovation.
Length: 2,000 words
Formative or Summative: Formative and Summative.
Relates to learning outcomes: Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 3, and AoL goals: KS (1.1; 1.2), HO (2.1).

Assessment Format Requirements (for written assignments)

Include ‘Title page’ with word counts.
Use numbered headings and subheadings.
12 font, 1.5 spacing.
Number all pages.
Ensure that to include in-text references (where relevant) and the reference list at the end of the report and use either APA or Harvard Referencing Style consistently.
The word limit for assessment one is 1000 words and for assessments 2 & 3 is 2000 words – 10% over/under the limit is acceptable. All words including the tables/graphs are included in the word count (excluding the title page, table of contents, AND reference list).
Answer Preview 

One of the most important marketing strategies that affect the nature of customer response in becoming loyal to the online Groupon marketplace is the aspect of promoting transparency to customers. According to Baraibar-Diez and Sotorrío (2017), organizational innovativeness on basis of sustained transparency offers a substantial process of mediating corporate reputation and corporate social responsibility (CSR). Increasing awareness concerning the need for companies to maintain social responsibility has become a measurable factor on the nature or level of its accountability (Čerkasov, Huml, Vokáčová, and Margarisová, 2017). In this case, organizational transparency has become a predictor of consumers’ development of trust towards the company, a behavior that lays the foundation for the building of its reputation. Consequently, considering the virtual nature of online marketplace processes, it has increasingly become very important for an organization to maintain transparency.

Word Count: 2400