Critical Thinking Framework for any Discipline
Psychology has strict professional and academic standards which all practitioners are expected to meet. This assignment is designed to help you develop several key psychology research and writing skills, with a particular focus on finding research articles and writing in APA style. The skills gained in this assignment will help you to read and understand published research more efficiently. The first assignment is designed to help you prepare for assignment 2, which will be a written research report in the style of a journal article.
The first assignment in this teaching period focuses on ADHD and Self Esteem. ADHD is a very prevalent psychological disorder and can be a concern for many students in higher education. The impact of the associated symptoms on everyday functioning can be distressing for individuals, and can affect many areas of their life. In this assignment, you will write literature review on ADHD in University Students and its impact on Self-Esteem.
Answer preview
According to Duron et al, a critical thinker leaves chances for other probabilities when seeking the reality concerning an issue. Duron et al argued that a good critical thinker raises vital problems and questions, formulates them in a clear manner, and gathers and assesses relevant information while using abstract ideas and thinking open-mindedly, and engages in effective communication with others. I also learned from the article is some of the useful cognitive domains determining the capabilities of critical thinking, including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation techniques.
Word count: 667