Critique: Implications of Cultural differences in International Projects

Critique: Implications of Cultural differences in International Projects


Find attached the two readings that you have to use for your assignments in Critique Analysis and Research.

You are to critique both papers and submit two reports which should not be less than 2000 words each.

Note that critique is not the same as criticizing.

You can use these papers as a basis to discuss the issues, using other literature that you can find to agree with or even dispute what the original papers say.

follow the sample also in the writing style font size, font type, etc

Answer preview:

Critique Review: Abstract

This paper reviews the “Implications of Cultural Differences in International Projects” written by Tony Jewels and Rozz Albon in 2005.

The findings of the article are in agreement with the past and current literature and thus, can be adopted in all organizations undertaking international projects.

The results reveal that cultural factors have a significant impact on the achievement of the desired goals in the planning and implementation of international projects.

However, the reliance on a small number of respondents makes the study inappropriate to make generalized conclusions, and hence, it is its major limitation.

Format: APA

Word count: 2000