Critique: The Impact of Informal Networks on Knowledge Management Strategy

Critique: The Impact of Informal Networks on Knowledge Management Strategy


Find attached the reading that you have to use for your assignments in Critique Analysis and Research.

You are to critique the paper and submit a report which should not be less than 2000 words

Note that critique is not the same as criticizing. You can use these papers as a basis to discuss the issues, using other literature that you can find to agree with or even dispute what the original papers say

follow the sample also in the writing style font size, font type, etc

Answer Preview: Abstract
This paper reviews the article “The Impact of Informal Networks on Knowledge Management Strategy” written by Jewel and Underwood (2005). The findings of the study are supported by results obtained in other research studies and hence concluded that the conclusions are valid in different regions and situations. The use of a large sample size from various industries makes the results more reliable ad applicable in varying business environments. However, the use of only two firms in the study limits the scope of application as well as the reliability of the findings.

Words Count: 2132
Format: APA