Cross Cultural Management in the Context of Nigeria and China


Cross-Cultural Management in the Context of Nigeria and China


Critically review recent literature relating to leadership and management styles for China and Nigeria. Relate this literature to your own experience of leading and managing the team, and being led and managed by other team members. Include in your discussion any cross-cultural issues which arose and how they were dealt with.
To answer this essay question you should:
Review some journal articles relating to management and leadership styles and from them (and the lecture slides) derive the key theories and models.
Do this critically by seeing whether the various authors agree or disagree on the challenges and the way to solve them.
Make sure you characterize clearly the cultures of your team members, or at least three cultures represented there, using appropriate cross-cultural models
Note the key differences and see how they would be expected to affect the management and leadership of the team
Relate these models to your experience of working in your multicultural team, both as a manager and being managed
DO NOT just offer a re-hash of the lecture PowerPoint – you are expected to look for relevant journal articles yourself, read them and the ones you have been given, and come to conclusions.
Make sure you reference fully and properly
The assignment will be in essay format with full Harvard referencing, reviewing appropriate academic literature critically

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There are several leadership and management styles, which include the autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire styles (Cheng et al., 2012). Each of these leadership approaches relates to the manner in which the managers deal with their followers within an organization.   The autocratic leadership style is such that the leader holds all the power and influence, and only instructs the followers on what to do. Here, the leader typically does not trust the followers or members to function independently and likes to concentrate power on him/herself.  With autocracy, there is little or no consultation or co-decision making.

Word Count; 2400