Culture Care for Patient Suffering Long-term Illness at Old Age


Culture Care for Patient Suffering Long-term Illness at Old Age


Write an analysis paper on the Culture care for patient suffering long-term illness at old age.

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The view of Indian invalids and treatment

Many Indian communities determine that illnesses can be cured through constant prayer and having confidence in their gods that they pray to frequently (Perrone, Krueger and Stockel, 2012). As a result, Mrs. Laghari admits her need for cure but is not ready to present all her issues to a medical practitioner. Hence, she only speaks of a few and the rest is denied. The patient denied some of the pains and ailments that have been occurring in short-term such as pain in the legs, dizziness, and headaches. There was also a report on possible kidney stones disease with high K levels that warranted an ultrasound. In this regard, different cautions were presented to the patient and family. Consequence, the family was advised to ensure that all precautions and control measures are put in place to guarantee no accidents and falls, and was well received with acknowledgment. Similarly, Mrs. Laghari’s daughter agreed to be an HHA.

Word Count: 700