Culture Competence – An Example of Care That Applied the Nurse’s Theory


Culture Competence – An Example of Care That Applied the Nurse’s Theory


Write a short essay on Culture Competence – An Example of Care That Applied the Nurse’s Theory

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With the knowledge of cultural implications on the care that would be needed, I took time to search the internet for any specific cultural beliefs of the Bedouin community. I only knew that they were a community that did not use cars to travel, but a camel. They also lived with no electricity meaning that they had very little exposure to the modern world happenings. The women from this community, which included Halima, did not speak in the presence of others, unless when they are in the confines of their homes. The reality for me as a nurse was the fact that this group of family members were about to deal with a serious illness like cancer. The men were dressed in a white cloth called the “Dishdash” with a scarf on their heads, while the women wore black home-made dresses.

Word Count: 750