Current Health Problem experienced by the Inuit People


Current Health Problem experienced by the Inuit People


Write a short essay on Current Health Problem experienced by the Inuit People

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According to Inuit Tuttarvingat (2017), the lack of recent information about the employment rate, housing, and average educational attainment among the Inuit can be blamed for the fact that there is an incomplete picture of the health status of the average Inuit citizen. There are other factors such as geography, language and cultural barriers which limit the Inuit’s access to healthcare services. Even when they need to deliver their babies or consult specialists, the Inuit are forced to travel long distances out of their communities (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, 2007). It is not unusual for the Canadian healthcare professionals’ lack of understanding about Inuit culture and language to leave Inuit patients feeling unsettled or marginalized when they seek healthcare services (Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, 2007).

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