Customer Engagement in Strengthening the Impact of Hotel Loyalty Programmes


Customer Engagement in Strengthening the Impact of Hotel Loyalty Programmes


Write a literature paper on Customer Engagement in Strengthening the Impact of Hotel Loyalty Programmes

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One of the major market strategies of promoting customer retention, repeated buying and loyalty to the company is loyalty programmes (Voorhees, McCall & Calantone 2011). Many previous studies examined loyalty programmes in view of their impact on affective and behavioral loyalty, switching costs, customer retention and membership to reward or loyalty schemes (Voorhees, McCall & Calantone 2011; McCall & Voorhees, 2010). The focus on loyalty programmes in organizational settings is fostered by the need to focus brand and marketing efforts on maximizing customer satisfaction and retention (Sánchez-Casado et al., 2019). In defining customer loyalty programmes, McCall & Voorhees (2010) considered them as mechanisms or strategies of encouraging loyalty, identifying loyal customers and rewarding after a series of repeated purchases. Therefore, loyalty programmes are characterized by their relatable features of subscription to loyalty programmes, including reward points and claiming rewards based on the accumulated points. Rewards offered by companies may include advanced access to new or special products, free products, special offers, and discounts.

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