Cyber Piracy


Cyber piracy


Write a 200-word post.

Read pages 171-189 of Legal Environment of Business.

Consider the following as you read:

  • Trade secrets, copyright, and invention are the keystones to business protection and creative protection. Consider how cyberpiracy is impacting these keystones and how we can better protect our inventions and businesses.

Answer preview

Cyber piracy is terminology for online deceptive practices on the internet that includes cybersquatting. Notably, cyber piracy entails different deceptive practices that organizations or people engages in to benefit from user. It is clear that cyber piracy can negatively affect invention, copyright and trade secrets. These are some of the business keystones that need creative protection in order to make businesses realize their full potential. Trade secrets are considered to be valuable information that should not be known by the general public. This valuable information can be used by a business organization to provide a competitive advantage.

Word count: 243