Cybersecurity Challenges in Hotels


Cybersecurity Challenges in Hotels


Write an academic essay addressing each of the points below.
‘Cyber security in hotels are under seige’ – read the articles below and by using recent incidents relating to threats and breaches to privacy of guests at hotels, report on two recent incidents that have occurred and you have researched on and provide details as per the points below:

Cybersecurity and the hospitality industry

1. What hotels have done or are doing to minimise these breaches
2. What are some the recent technological developments that have contributed to improving guest privacy and security at hotels
3. Using academic references highlight if and how hotels have improved ethical behaviour towards hotel guests, their security and privacy in general.

Answer preview

Modern technological trends have improved the way operations are done in the hospitality industry. However, hotels and restaurants have become victims of cybersecurity breaches that include credit card fraud and identity theft. Due to the booming nature of business in the hospitality industry, hotels and restaurants have become prime targets for cybercriminals. According to Orfei and Facchini (2016), the average consolidated cost for cybercrime data breaches stands at a staggering figure of $ 3.8 billion. Undisputedly, hotels keep a rich database of personal and financial data of their clients through the card payments.

Word count: 1760