Dance culture – Does it have a good impact on dancers and society?


Dance culture – Does it have a good impact on dancers and society?


In your first paragraph:
Clearly state your research question
Identify the two films you will be comparing
Summarize your sources (“To support my argument I will be using sources from dance studies, sociology, psychology, film studies…”etc.)
Define the key terms that you are going to use citing a scholarly source (such as, identity, race, subjectivity, social mobility, etc.)
Hint at the possible conclusion or outcome of your discussion

In subsequent paragraphs:
Summarize the narrative of your first film in your own words (250 words maximum)
Summarize the narrative of your second film in your own words (250 words maximum)
Follow a Point – Proof – Discuss format for each stage of your argument
Introduce each source you are using by naming the author, describing the context of the quote you are using and any other information that helps to situate the source/quote
Describe embodiment or sequences of movement that support each stage of your argument and/or observations?

Your quotes:
Include the quote in the body of the paragraph if it is a less than two lines long
Indent the quote as a block (single-spaced) when it is more than two lines long
Properly attribute if you have paraphrased your sources
Include author last name and page number(s) in parentheses after the quote if it is in the body of the paragraph or one line below in a block quote

Works cited:
Use correct MLA citation for all sources.
Include your two films in correct MLA citation.

A legible of 12pt font (Times New Roman or Arial)
1” inch (2.54 cm) margins on all sides
A total of 5-7 pages without your Works Cited Page

Answer preview

Amongst the many ways of expressing joy and jubilation in public is dancing. Dance allows a person to exhibit inner feelings of happiness even without the use of words or any langue. Dancing provides an easy way of attracting people towards certain celebration and joining the effort to celebrate, hence, it is considered a means of expressions. Dance can also be referred to as a way of communicating because it is a form of non-verbal language. Through artistic dances, various messages are communicated to different audiences worldwide (Pusnik 6). However, dancing comes with its own ways of separation, causing more division in society than it has ever been before.

Word count: 2619